Friday, July 1, 2011

Never had a dream come true

Went thecuriousdreamer website to analyze my dream. Yeah,i'm a believer, at least i guess it can somehow to relate what is really going on with me inside my mind.I prefer not to talk about the dream =) you guess yourself what the website has analyzed.

  • An alert that something needs attention (when a person or baby cries, they often need help or support)


A dream about an ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, ex-wife, etc. can mean:

  • You have unfinished business with this person

  • You are fondly remembering something about the time you were with them and that you'd like to experience that feeling more in your current life—but most likely not with them

  • Thought or ability to think
  • Awareness of something, as in having something "at the front of your mind"
  • Intuition or knowledge
  • Connection with Spirit

bicycle riding
  • The way you're "running your life" right now, or the way you have been recently
  • Making progress—or a lack of progress (depending on what happens in the dream)—in real life
  • The degree of balance you are maintaining in your life


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