Monday, September 5, 2011

a very much #BU weekend

Hey,it's been awhile since i dropped by. It's September, and I had an awesome weekend to welcome September.

Thursday 1/9/2011: Genting . People who supposed to close branch did not come things got into a mess when both colleagues not picking up phones, luckily Steven picked up and agreed to do so during his off day. To be honest, i could have just ignored everyone's calls, my work is until 7pm and that's it. But i thought i was at least my responsible to make sure it is closed properly. After all that worrying, we went for a roller coaster ride and a giant spinning swing -.-". How do i put it,hmmmm i was very nervous when it was our turn to play the roller coaster ride. It was

average-speed and average adrenaline rush, but since i have zero tolerance for height, everything turned scary.

Was busy calming myself,got no time to look at the camera.

Friday 2/9/2011: Changkat,KL.It was informed only yesterday that we were doing a surprise dinner for Jerry. It was a #BU event, of course we did it and we did it good. Though to be honest, Thai food is not my thing, but i gave it a try, i vowed to say yes to more things. It sucked nevertheless lol.. After that they decided to go Velvet for after party, like usual i gave it a rain check? they call it rain check right when you say "next time"? 1)Parents were in KL 2)working tomorrow and should not be unable to wake up and affect Saturday's plan.

Saturday was epic. Saturday 3/9/2011. There were few "flawed" moments including Leon actually was sick on that day >.< . Oh, Leon's girlfriend, Lynette(which i still prefer to put it as linet) she threw a surprise birthday party for Leon if you didnt know. This was planned almost a month ago, it was very hard for all of us to keep it as a secret away from Leon. That means no inviting Leon to bbm chat groups, no creating event in facebook, no talking anything about september or 3rd of september or bbq or whatever. Yes there were hiccups, such as "keep it for 3rd of september" a comment Jerry made to Chiew Heong's status , this one in particular is very funny i think, Soo Wai wanted to wish Jerry happy birthday on thursday past midnight, "Happy Birthday bro, see you tomorrow" , yeah that would ruined friday's surprise dinner. so I alerted soo wai, and he changed it to "Happy Birthday bro, see you Saturday". -_____-" Yeah,that would ruined saturday's plan as well. So he gave up and put it just "Happy Birthday bro". I would like to take this opportunity to salute fellow #BU members as they partied at Velvet and still able to wake up at designated time, Lau even woke up at around 10-11am. He came to my work station that morning and we chat while waiting for the arrival of the big four, Miu,Ah Soon, Becks and Nick.

To be updated soon(would like to wait for more pictures).

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